Creating a website can be quite a daunting thought. We try to make it as easy as possible with Conceptulise. To help answer some of your questions we have included a list of frequently asked questions and things we think that you might find useful below.

Please also feel free to contact us with any questions you have and we will be happy to help.


A Conceptulise installation will normally be available within 2 working days.

When setting up your site we request a copy of your logo and any associated colours, fonts and branding. These are then added into your site ready for you to use. You can change these anytime within the 'Site admin' section.


You can, most businesses opt for the bespoke design and build service provided by Spectulise to fabricate a unique site to suit your needs.

A standard Conceptulise website costs £100 per year. This includes 500mb of hosting space (expandable), SSL certificate and domain name. It also includes ongoing support and updates to the Conceptulise software, new features and changes, keeping it up-to-date.


Conceptulise is based on PHP and MySQL. Don't worry if you don't know what this is, as it is all setup for you.

Conceptulise uses a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing system to generate HTML code. Users can choose to view and edit this HTML code when editing the page.

The Conceptulise software itself is encrypted to increase the security of the product. Feature suggestions can be made, by contacting us. Alternatively if there is a particular file you require access to, we may be able to provide it. You can also add in your own coded pages by using the 'link' feature which exists within the product, allowing you to add custom functionality.

Information about the hosting environment can be found at https://www.spectulise.com/hosting_packages.html

Conceptulise is a hosted system. It can, however, be hosted elsewhere as long as the hosting meets our system requirements. Contact us for details.

Yes. You will, however, need access to change either your domains nameservers or DNS. We will happily change these if provided with the appropriate details. Alternatively you may need to contact the company managing your domain to make the change. If you wish to, you can move the domain to our management and we will cover your ongoing renewal costs whilst a Conceptulise user.